Artistry Of Aging Conversations

“We are all at once a composition and a composer. We have the ability not only to compose the future of our lives, but to help compose the future of everyone around us and the communities in which we live.” Maya Angelou

This is a powerful and challenging time to be alive for everyone. Those of us in the latter years of this particular embodied lifetime are, and can be, a creative, innovative and guiding presence.

Yet do we sometimes find ourselves seemingly alone on this journey? Desiring to reach out and connect to others that are consciously working with all that aging places on our unique paths.

If you are interested in joining others to dialog without judgement, but with transparency and a sense of living within the challenges and questions around consciously aging and unfolding artistry, please express your interest below. You may also add any particular area(s) of focus that are important to you. Also tell us where you live and what time zone you are in.

Wildly Free Elder Spotlights is considering monthly group calls to connect, collaborate, create and provide support. This is available for those that become part of the community by becoming a Wildly Free Elder Spotlight or as a “Guest”.

At present we have suspended monthly calls but would like to resume. Proposed is one call a month facilitated by a member of the community. The calls lasted 60-90 minutes in length depending on how many participants are present for the call. A focus each month was decided upon by the community members.

If you are interested in these calls, or have suggestions, please be in touch!

If you don’t already have the Zoom application downloaded here is the link to do so:

Please express your interest below:

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